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arolfleceDate: Wednesday, 25.09.2013, 00:48 | Message # 9841
Group: Гости

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Group: Гости

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MoobiawoubyDate: Wednesday, 25.09.2013, 01:39 | Message # 9844
Group: Гости

Java Maddon stirs the hot sauce recipe, sprinkles in brown sugars. "You gotta get the acidic taste outside the tomatoes, " he says. All around him on this large commercial kitchen on Tropicana Field, home of the Tampa Bay Sun rays, Joe sous chefs are usually chopping vegetables, frying sausages, molding ground beef into meatballs the dimensions of baseballs. Joe sprinkles Parmesan cheese on the sauce, stirs, tastes, smiles, and hands the desert spoon to Jaye, his wife of some years. "She hates to prepare food, " he says. "I love it. " Joe a stocky little man, with a pug jaw as well as the short, studiously punkedout white frizzy hair and oldfashioned blackrimmed eyeglasses of a man conflicted, uncertain if he rooted from the generation of his youth he 59 or these days hipsters. Maddon manages the Sun light, who are again expected to be contenders for the particular postseason, if not to succeed the pennant outright. His "sous chefs" work with the team as nicely and include its thirdbase trainer, Tom Foley; the pitching coach, Jim Hickey; and, Maddon 82yearold adviser and baseball guru, who will join them later that will distribute the food to be able to 1, 000 homeless people in Tampa Bay in the days before Christmas.

It Maddon way of trying to pay back the community that altered his life. For 30 years, Maddon was a journeyman minorleague gambler, coach, and manager, before coming to the Rays in 2006. It was a occupation nobody wanted except Maddon: a payroll under $50 million a year and a history connected with fielding losing teams. By his third season, he had managed the team to the World Series (where they lost into the Philadelphia Phillies), and they have been to the playoffs two more times since then, with Maddon named American League Manager in the Year in 2008 in addition to 2011. Maddon has been known as "the best smallmarket manager" around baseball, and praised as any genius for turning fresh players into stars and also aging retreads into effective players. A 2012 Men Journal survey of greater than 100 MLB players found him to get "the smartest manager" in the league, although, considering the competition, this seems a backhanded balance.

Given his success, it hard to criticize Maddon like a manager, although some baseball persons still do. One of the most consistent barbs usually he is a showoff, that his ingame tactics are designed to draw attention in order to himself. There his unorthodox by using extreme overshifts, for example, where he moves many his infield players onto one side of the field against dead yank hitters, as well as that he doesn settle for a conventional set lineup from game to game, always juggling players and batting order. "They think I doing the work to show how smart I'm, " Maddon says. "But we build our lineups on a great deal of computer information. One year a computer system told us that righthanded players hit Mike Mussina a lot better than lefties. " Most managers would stick to conventional baseball strategy plus still send up this lefthanders. Maddon loaded the lineup with righties. "They say I don manage from the book, " he says, "but the book was written instruction online the day. ".

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Group: Гости

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