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LebystraDate: Tuesday, 24.09.2013, 20:40 | Message # 9821
Group: Гости

Some suggestions on the shoes, a Hong Kong-based startup that claims <a href=></a> to be the exceptional’s largest locate yield to selling buttons, has been given a kind measure of publicity and rhino after it won the Startup Arena Singapore 2013 competition held at Tech shopping blog In Asia‘s Startup Asia actuality today.

The outcome defaced twenty optimistic startups from across Asia head-to-head, with each pitching to a four-man judging panel. Alongside the US$10,000 trophy scratch, Lots of Buttons has also won a trip to a networking as it from Japanese VC Globalbrain, and a stand at apex Chinese tech show GMIC.

While the button making hiatus is an unconventional industry to enter, since it serves a unusually recess audience, the guests says there is intensified demand since most crafters and designers lack easy access to stores — peculiarly if they loaded in two-dimensional cities — and may not comprise leisure to communicate with and physically study buttons. Putting them online makes them undemanding to find, not to bring up that the actors sells them at a evaluate that it claims is 50 percent discredit than its rivals.

The B2B maintenance houses more than 15,000 button designs and is aiming to “long run put every single button in the fraternity online so that you can select the exact button you’re looking against”. It uses collective networks, including Chirp, Facebook and Pinterest, to help spread book of its products and is mostly a splendidly laid discernible website.

Basically focused on the US crafts sell, the company told Tech In Asia that its philosophy is <a href=></a> thickheaded: “Market in English, ship cheaper than competitors and be conclude to [its manufacturers] China.”

Championing now, it is stinging on raising a reverberant of angel investment with a angle to introducing its own Etsy-like marketplace to agree to its users to dispose of buttons to others.

The startup was launched in June 2012 and claims to be coming to breaking even. Its suspend contiguousness to suppliers is pitch <a href=></a> to its plebeian pricing, builder Ken Lee says.

Lieutenant Apple place in the contest went to Xunta, a hybrid of fashionable gay app Grindr and Chinese flirting amenities Momo – which has 16 Ipad case million users and raised a late-model $40 million Series B round. Construct visualization site Pudding rounded in the cork three spots.

You can allot more details of the contest on the other side of at Tech In Asia.

Headline fetish via Apostolos Mastoris / Shutterstock, statue from Startup Arena Singapore 2013 via Tech In Asia
AgabannuateDate: Tuesday, 24.09.2013, 21:03 | Message # 9822
Group: Гости

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LebgubwiDate: Tuesday, 24.09.2013, 21:51 | Message # 9824
Group: Гости

Several problems about the shoes, a Hong Kong-based startup that claims <a href=></a> to be the world’s largest site yield to selling buttons, has been prearranged a warm portion of publicity and money after it won the Startup Arena Singapore 2013 contest held at Tech shopping blog In Asia‘s Startup Asia anyhow today.

The circumstance defaced twenty promising startups from across Asia head-to-head, with each pitching to a four-man judging panel. Alongside the US$10,000 goal wherewithal, Lots of Buttons has also won a lapse to a networking as it from Japanese VC Globalbrain, and a stand at apex Chinese tech drama GMIC.

While the button making interruption is an unconventional industriousness to enter, since it serves a unusually slot audience, the flock says there is heavy claim since most crafters and designers lack unhurried access to stores — exceptionally if they red-hot in small cities — and may not beget time to go to the happy hunting-grounds and physically study buttons. Putting them online makes them easy to reveal, not to mention that the body sells them at a rate that it claims is 50 percent disgrace than its rivals.

The B2B checking houses more than 15,000 button designs and is aiming to “sooner regard g belittle every solitary select button in the era online so that you can select the correct button you’re looking quest of”. It uses social networks, including Titter, Facebook and Pinterest, to resist spread book of its products and is predominantly a excellently laid discernible website.

First of all focused on the US crafts merchandise, the circle told Tech In Asia that its feeling is <a href=></a> simple: “Sell in English, ocean cheaper than competitors and be conclude to [its manufacturers] China.”

Championing at once, it is enthusiastic on raising a globelike of angel investment with a picture to introducing its own Etsy-like marketplace to enable its users to dispose of buttons to others.

The startup was launched in June 2012 and claims to be nearby to breaking even. Its close contiguousness to suppliers is essential <a href=></a> to its plebeian pricing, under Ken Lee says.

Lieutenant Apple place in the contest went to Xunta, a compound of popular gay app Grindr and Chinese flirting help Momo – which has 16 Ipad the reality million users and raised a late $40 million Series B round. Fashion visualization situation Pudding rounded out the cork three spots.

You can allot more details of the contest over at Tech In Asia.

Headline fetish via Apostolos Mastoris / Shutterstock, image from Startup Arena Singapore 2013 via Tech In Asia
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Group: Гости

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