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N.Popiashvili:‘Wisdom of lie’ - a crossroads of cultures

Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani's "The Wisdom of Lie" is a multilateral perception and objective observation of the reality. Any concrete question in the work is considered and apprehended from different points of view, and it is a matter of special interest that the author remains an objective observer from the very beginning up to the end of narration and shows that there is no homogeneously true and ideal view or opinion that cannot be excluded or disproved; that each of them contains any separate vital reality and, hence, is acceptable. However, it is quite possible that one and the same question could be absolutely unacceptable from another point of view, but it does not exclude that the former point of view regarding its apprehension lacks the truth.

The natural phenomena existing in life and depicted in ‘The Wisdom of Lie’ are diverse and widespread, and Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani gives a versatile definition of any concrete matter, fact or thing. Different approach to the reality is a precondition that a concrete reality will not be apprehended, considered and assessed unilaterally, and any approach results in the emergence of a distinctive, peculiar and original view.

The above-mentioned and other values in Sulkhan-Saba's work ‘The Wisdom of Lie’ are presented through the participation of the personages.

‘Wisdom of lie’ is an original crossroads of two cultures - cultures of East and West. On the one hand, characters Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani - typical representatives of East. King, Vizier, Successor, Eunuch, Tutor. There and then it`s necessary to notice, that his heroes often retell the fables, which have happened to them in India, in Arabia etc. On the other hand, characters of these fables are Frenchmen, Italians, etc.

It`s known, that in Europe in Education, together with other literary genres, special value was got by a fable. In this respect is interesting Lessing's view, that by means of fables the literature should reveal lacks and weaknesses of the person (P.Moller see). Like German educators, genre of fables takes a visible place and in creativity of the representative of France - Lathonten (1621-1695). Considerably, that educational ideas and ideals are to the right degree reflected and in creativity Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani, and educational principles - in his ‘Wisdom of lie’.

Proceeding from it, «Wisdom of lie» Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani is represented to us a crossroads of cultures. In it are harmoniously connected cultural-literary values of East and West.

Category: Abstracts | Added by: margalita (18.10.2009)
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