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Reasons of State Governance Crisis in Countries of Young Democracy

At the end of 20th century the world political-economic panorama has been changed sharply, Soviet Union collapsed and former soviet republics became as an independent states. After that in many new democratic states has began the problems of state governance. The political, military or velvet revolution, civil war, coup d’etat, or dismissal of president (monarch or dictator) first of all means the collapse of the existed system of governing. At the other hand the war between former "brother” republics has showed weakness of diplomacy and lack of governing. It happened in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and in Georgia as well.

Revolutionary situation was matured in Georgia at the end of twentieth century, when actually were created the conditions that is defined by the classics of theory of political struggle "when the upper class isn’t able and lower class doesn’t want”. And society was so separated, the newly created classes were so far from one another that ‘high class’ couldn’t rule like earlier and the ‘low class’ couldn’t endure the existed system of state governance. If revolution didn’t happen until 2003 the reason for it was the huge patience of Georgian people. They (or its large part) have never opposed so unanimously their own government earlier.

It’s well known that even in the Soviet Union Georgia was meant to be in the oasis of democracy. In the country where it seemed that the basics of marketing economics were prepared, was impression in case if changing of communist regime, the country would be able to gain political independence, that pretty soon Georgia could be prosperous country like, e.g. – Switzerland  But events were directed in  different way: the country was involved into the civil war and we’re reaping the negative results even nowadays: thousands of refugees or illegal immigrants living abroad, the temporarily lost territories of Abkhazia and Southern Ossetia, collapsed economics, the poverty of the most of population, aggravation of  critical ethnic and political antagonism and etc. All those caused the revolutionary crisis of 2003.

Was it possible to avoid all these processes? Had Georgia (separated from the Soviet Union) and other new independent above mentioned countries chance to make peacefull passage on the new economic-political life, as the Baltic States (the former Soviet States) did that? We think – no!

We have to notice that above-mentioned political and economic events represent the only external signs of the revolutionary crisis i.e. just outward indices of "sickness” of the country. But we consider the deep internal reasons of collapsing the country are:

1) Ineffective method of state governance (this is the main reason);

2) Post-soviet inheritance;

3) Hostile outward forces.

The paper considers these reasons in detail and develops recommendations in order to improve the system of state governance of young democratic countries of post soviet space.

Category: Abstracts | Added by: margalita (08.11.2009)
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