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Multicultural Dialogue through Education

Georgia traditionally has been a bridge connecting the West and the East. Through history the trade roads linking the different areas crossed the Georgian territory carrying the diverse cultural tradition.

Unfortunately, being annexed by Russia in early 19th century and later being a part of the Soviet Union, Georgia was isolated from the rest of the world and was deprived of opportunity to have open relationship with different countries in any field.

Since proclaiming independence in 1991, Georgia restored its linking role with various countries. Today the borders are open in all directions and priority of Georgia is Euro-Atlantic integration. Accordingly, relationship between Georgia and EU entered a new phase, paying great attention on one of nowadays central issues - Education.

Higher Educational horizon of Europe promises positive perspectives and it requires forming a special policy for the purpose of eliminating setbacks and encouraging mobility and cooperation of academic staff as well as students. Jointly prepared Action plan in frames of European Neighborhood Policy includes cooperation in Education sphere in the following directions:

Reforming of science according to the requirements of European research space;

Continuation of HE reforms according to the principles of the "Bologna Process”;

Changing of vocational education system; implementing of informative-technologies in education and science system.

On May 19, 2005 Georgia joint the Bologna Process. 46 European countries are united in this Process, which plans establishing of one European space for Higher Education by 2010.

Turkey - country based also on democratic principles, is introduced as the one of the most important partners of Georgia. There has been a dynamic and intensive cooperation between these two countries.

Among the long list of agreements with Turkey there is the cooperation in the field of education and science.

Contemporary world more than ever needs restoration of morality of education, culture, traditions, which is possible through unification of material and moral values and dialog among nations. Intellectual, cultural, social and technological advancement are greatly encouraged by the higher educational institutions; their role is essential for this process.

International Black Sea University – established by Turkish-Georgian governments - is a good example of above mentioned higher educational institutions. The university unites intellectuals, researchers, professors, and students, which have such values in common as tolerance, dialog, high morality and positive interaction in the conditions of contemporary world.

The mission of International Black Sea University (IBSU) is based on globalization. Successful relations among nations can be reached by promoting intercultural communication, which exists even as a separate field that has been turned into a professional rank of scholarship and expertise. IBSU is an educational and research institution, the primary goal of which is:

-    To promote the development of Georgian and Global cultural values, orientation towards the ideals of democracy and humanism essential for the existence and development of a civil society;

-     To realize personal potential, develop the creative skills, provide for competitiveness of graduates on domestic and international labor markets, and offer to the interested ones high quality education that meets the requirements of the student community and the public;

-    Ensure accessibility and openness of higher education, academic freedom in teaching, learning and research, provision of higher education opportunities over the entire life span, involvement of academic personnel and the students in making decisions and monitoring their implementation, publicity and transparency of the University management and the competitions held there, prohibition of all forms of discrimination in the sphere of higher education, including academic, religious and ethnic grounds, also views, gender, social origin or any other grounds etc.

Through different international conferences, symposiums and other activities International Black Sea University is oriented on advancement of friendship, dialog and tolerance between countries and serves as a significant center in terms of survival world civilizations and strengthening friendship among nations.


Category: Abstracts | Added by: margalita (08.11.2009)
Views: 1270 | Rating: 5.0/2
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