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E.Lekashvili:Exporting (World experience and Georgia)

The main idea of scientific research is elaboration of exporting issues (organization and management of export) considering world experience based on Georgian example.  Research project considers studying-analysing of theoretical methodological data for accomplishing exporting strategy, on the basis of which a handbook for exporters will be created (Guide-book for successful exporters) and a reference book of model documentation; at the same time, the project implies study of existing problems in the organization and management of export in Georgia and thus offer the ways of solution.

From nineties of the 20th century, in other words during whole transition period to market economy Georgia has balance of trade deficit. The events developed in the recent period (Russian embargo on Georgian wines and mineral waters, followed by Russian-Georgia war, at the same time difficulties of entering new markets) proved that more work is to be done in order to solve these problems, both theoretical and practical. 

Research considers studying of newest Georgian and foreign literature on export issues, examining of methodological and legal documents; Analysis and evaluation of the challenges that Georgian exporters are facing today; In the process of project implementation, it considers tight cooperation with the governmental organizations working on export issues. Simultaneously, study results and recommendations will be actively delivered to business circles and relevant state institutions by means of workshops, presentations, conferences and scientific articles. 

The aim of this research is to study exporting issues, considering world experience based on Georgian example, conduction of comparative analysis for the aim of revealing problems in this field and their solutions. Research process will be implemented in the following main directions: foreign market and business environment research methodology systematization (political and legal environment, economic and social cultural environment); The process of selecting foreign market; definition of global cyberspace in case of foreign market selection; market entry strategy selection; definition of the principles of export strategy; Analysis of the internal and external factors influencing export organization; Definition of the peculiarities of  marketing research methodology; discussion of the stages of preparing export production; peculiarities of export services; formation of general rules of contract preparation;  in addition, the following subjects will be discussed: business travel in foreign countries; sales in foreign countries; pricing, quotation and terms, methods of financing the sales; export regulation,   customs profit and forms and methods of tax stimuli, document preparation, packing, marking, transportation and logistics; payments, after sales service; other issues concerning export (licensing, auxiliary operations, joint enterprises etc).

The theme presented in Georgia scientific economic literature is not elaborated in system. The research will be based on relevant modern foreign scientific literature and publications about practical activities, together with national and international legal documents, corresponding internet resources, results of the surveys, and official public statistical information.  Study will be implemented by means of using methods of analysing, synthesis, inductions, deduction, analogue, comparative analysis, mathematical statistics modelling and inquiry.

Study results will have both theoretical and practical importance. Work of fundamental significance will be created on Georgian language; there is a huge necessity of such work to be done in Georgia, something that doesn’t exist today in our country.  This study will be useful for future generations that will study economics and business issues in the universities.  Research results specifically will be useful for the following study courses: international economic relations, international trade, international business, international business operations, international marketing, international management, strategy of international firms and other similar subjects.   Research results will be useful for business circles that are exporting in foreign countries or are possible exporters; marketing services that study foreign markets; state institutions regulating foreign market entry. 

Category: Abstracts | Added by: margalita (18.10.2009)
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