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Biliarsky I.:Communication Services and Communication Corvees in Mediaeval Bulgaria

In all the states and especially in the empires with large territories the communications have a particular importance for the power and for the connections between the different parts and provinces with the state center. The very existence of the state depends on the links creating unity of the society.

            The Eastern Roman Empire (called Byzantium) inherits and develops the communication system of the classical Roman Empire. In this direction the great road arteries – as Via Egnatia – had ever a special value in the Mediterranean area and in the Balkans. Constantinople had a great impact on the countries in the South-Eastern Europe and particularly on mediaeval Bulgaria. In the present contribution I try to follow exactly the transplantation of some communication services and some corvees, linked to the maintenance of the latter.

            The central services of the communication and their organization in Bulgaria are not well documented. We can however guess that they were linked to the imperial chancellery and formed one of the responsibilities of the some of the logothetes if not of the very Great logothete. We know the name of some services of the imperial heralds and messengers as apokrisiarios, nahodnik and izgonchia.

            The communications need certain resources at least for transport, food and houses for the traveling envoys. They were put in charge of the local population as corvees and quasi-corvees that I try to present in my contribution. In result of my research I can say that the communication services and corvees in mediaeval Bulgaria were typological very similar to the same phenomena in Byzantium.

Category: Abstracts | Added by: margalita (18.10.2009)
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