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V.Licheli:Central Transcaucasus – cultural relations in the 1st mill.BC

The settlement and necropolis of Grakliani Hill are located in the Central Transcaucasia, Georgia, on the territory of village Igoeti, on a hill, which dominates among two small rivers. In 2008 due to road extension works the salvage excavations took place on the southern slope resulting an interesting discoveries. The excavations suggested that the site had been occupied between the Chalcolithic Age and the Late Hellenistic Period – settlement on the Eastern slope and necropolis on the South-Western part of the hill.

1. Chalcolithic period (7th mill. BC): stone hand axe, flint spearheads, sickle peaces, bone drills.  Several fragments of gray fabric pottery  typical for  chalkolitic age.

2. Early bronze age(4th  – 3rd mill. BC)

Burial of various periods are discovered in the west of the southern slope of the hill the earliest pit-burial dated to early Bronze Age was excavated. 

3.Late Bronze – Early iron Age(1100 . B.C. to 900 B.C).

Monumental altar discovered in the east of the settlement site dates to this period. One of the offering vessels contained a Mesopotamian cylinder  and conical seals of 4th-3rd  mill.BC,

 4. Iron Age.

The material of this period is rich in number and very functional. Approximately the chronology of this period shall be 8th  c – beginning of 6th c. B.C. The house planning is typical to that period: quadrangular,  with bread oven in the north-west corner, with two ash pits, one larger in the south and the other smaller in the east, with a platform-shelf  for offerings along the north wall. Unique altar were excavated in the  east segment of the settlement site: these are fired clay circle with the figure of daubleprotoma ram on the west side.

5. 450-350 c BC.

In the northern part of the necropolis a pit-burials dated back to the 450-270 c B.C. , which contained Colchian, Achaemenid Iranian, Phrygian, Egyptian artifacts.. A temple with podiums, offering tables and ovens was unearthed on the south slop of settlemet.

Category: Abstracts | Added by: margalita (18.10.2009)
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